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5 Ways to Improve Your ADHD Child’s Self Esteem

5 Ways to Improve Your ADHD Child’s Self Esteem

Managing ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) in children can be a complex and often frustrating experience. The symptoms, which range from poor focus to impulsivity, often lead to academic struggles and social difficulties, which can affect your child’s self-esteem. 

Addressing this aspect of ADHD is crucial for your child’s well-being and long-term success. With the expert guidance of Dr. Henry Hasson, a renowned pediatric neurologist in Brooklyn, New York, you can help your child overcome this challenge. 

In this article, he delves into managing your child's ADHD beyond medication and gives you five tips on how to uplift your child's self-worth.

Positive reinforcement

Children with ADHD often hear what they’re doing wrong. Flip the script by acknowledging and praising what they do right. Compliments should be specific and genuine. Instead of a broad “Good job,” say, “Great job putting away your toys!”

You can also implement an incentive system like a sticker chart that encourages your child to display good behavior to earn rewards. However, be cautious about not making material rewards the only motivation for doing well.

Dr. Hasson often emphasizes the role of well-structured, consistent positive reinforcement, recommending simple systems that help your child internalize good behavior patterns.

Skill building

Every child has unique skills and interests in which they excel. Whether it's painting, dancing, or soccer, identifying and nurturing these talents can boost confidence.

Whether it's a musical instrument, sports equipment, or painting supplies, make sure to provide the resources needed for your child to develop their talent. 

Consult Dr. Hasson to determine which types of activities can serve as constructive outlets for your child’s energy and creativity.

Create structure

Predictability can relieve anxiety and help ADHD children feel more in control of their environment. Consistency is key. Same-time meals, a strict homework schedule, and a fixed bedtime should become the norm. 

Visual schedules or apps can serve as reminders for children who are forgetful, which is often a symptom of ADHD. However, be prepared for unplanned disruptions and ensure your child knows it’s OK if things don’t always go as planned.

Open communication

Children with ADHD often feel frustrated and confused. Open dialogue can act as an emotional release. Let them know it’s safe to express their thoughts and feelings.

Regularly set aside time for one-on-one conversations. Keep the atmosphere relaxed and non-judgmental, and acknowledge your child's emotions, even if they seem trivial. Validation can significantly boost their self-esteem.

Frequent, shorter conversations are more beneficial than occasional deep discussions, particularly for children with attention issues.

Set realistic goals

Setting achievable milestones, like completing homework on time, can provide a sense of accomplishment. Break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable goals. 

Keep an eye on the bigger picture, too. Whether it’s school grades or mastering a skill, setting a long-term target gives your child something to aim for.

Dr. Hasson can help outline practical, achievable objectives tailored to your child's abilities and interests. 

Low self-esteem is a common but often overlooked challenge many children with ADHD face. You can substantially improve your child’s self-esteem through positive reinforcement, skill development, structured routines, open communication, and setting achievable goals. 

And remember, you don’t have to do it alone. With Dr. Hasson, renowned for his expertise in ADHD treatment, you have an ally committed to your child’s overall well-being. So, schedule an appointment online with him today or call 718-785-9828.

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