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How a Concussion Might Affect Your Child's Sleep

How a Concussion Might Affect Your Child's Sleep

Children experience head bumps, big and small, all the time. While that’s generally nothing to worry about, occasionally, a head bump can cause a concussion. And a concussion can affect your child’s sleep. Here, Dr. Henry Hasson explains how this can occur. 

A concussion is a common type of traumatic brain injury that can occur in adults and kids.  

It's typically caused by a blow or bump to the head. Children who are highly physically active, engaging in contact sports like football or basketball, are especially at risk of concussions. 

If your child experiences a significant blow to the head, it's crucial to make an appointment with Dr. Hasson, even if they appear to be functioning correctly. Dr. Hasson is a pediatric neurologist specializing in diagnosing and treating concussions in kids in the Sheepshead Bay area of  Brooklyn, New York. 

What are the signs of a concussion in a child, and how can it affect their sleep? Read on. 

Symptoms of a concussion in children 

Parents should be able to recognize the symptoms of a concussion in their kids. Early detection helps prevent complications and, in some cases, even a fatality. Common signs of a concussion in children include: 

Symptoms may not show for days after the head injury, so keeping a close eye on your kid for days and even weeks after they experience a bump or blow to the head is essential. 

How a concussion can affect your child’s sleep 

One common way a concussion can affect your child's sleep is by making it difficult for them to fall asleep. This is because a brain injury can cause a chemical imbalance in the brain, disrupting your child's sleep schedule. 

A concussion also could make it difficult for your child to stay awake during the day. They may report feeling excessively tired or sluggish. 

Some research shows that a concussion can cause nightmares, which can keep your child up at night, affecting their sleep quality.

If your child's sleep patterns become disrupted after a head injury, this may be a sign of a concussion. It's crucial to make an appointment with Dr. Hasson as soon as possible to get to the bottom of the issue. 

Treatment for concussions 

In mild cases, your child only needs to be closely monitored while their most troubling symptoms are managed. If they are in pain, pain relievers will be prescribed. 

If there are no complications, your child should fully recover in a few weeks. During this process, you can slowly ease them back into their routine. Avoiding activities that put them at risk of getting another head injury is essential. 

Your child must get adequate rest as they recover from their concussion. This can be challenging if they are experiencing sleep disruptions, making it vital to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Concussions can be fatal if they go undiagnosed and untreated. Get effective treatment for your child's concussion by booking an appointment with us online today or calling 718-785-9828. 

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